希望d廣告有用啦 :)
我終於知道點解你影景物& 靜物比影人靓啦,因為你還不是一個懂得欣賞& 補捉人物性格特徵的人,特別是女孩子
哈哈... 正確黎講我係影乜都唔靚仲有排學
Sorry! Knew there may have some good photos and driven by curiosity, viewed and I found one that I like most among them.http://picasaweb.google.com/mmcity/080309/photo#5176365250826280098
Why using "Sorry" so strange?Thank you for viewing. If you prefer flower, the album of "Hong Kong Park" contain more flower photohttp://picasaweb.google.com/mmcity/080226
I also viewed that album ^^... most are nice too. But only that one impressed me strongly.~
one more thing. Please allow me to add it in my http://cherrylam.blogspot.com/ (hehee....) It looks nice!
Please do so... :)(you have done it already)
Yes, I did it. Sor.
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我終於知道點解你影景物& 靜物比影人靓啦,因為你還不是一個懂得欣賞& 補捉人物性格特徵的人,特別是女孩子
Sorry! Knew there may have some good photos and driven by curiosity, viewed and I found one that I like most among them.
Why using "Sorry" so strange?
Thank you for viewing. If you prefer flower, the album of "Hong Kong Park" contain more flower photo
I also viewed that album ^^... most are nice too. But only that one impressed me strongly.~
one more thing. Please allow me to add it in my http://cherrylam.blogspot.com/ (hehee....) It looks nice!
Please do so... :)
(you have done it already)
Yes, I did it. Sor.
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